We provide Space solutions and warfighter support to DoD and NASA customers. We use our expertise in space-based communication, space-based technologies, ISR, and assured PNT to help our customers deliver solutions and sustaining technologies that give our nation the decisive edge.

Solar Space Power Initiative
Radiance supports the Air Force Institute of Technology and Air Force Research Laboratory with mission-level development and analysis of a new space-based concept for the SSPI program. The concept is to use on-orbit satellites that directly convert direct current power supplied by solar panel arrays into RF energy for space-based power beaming. We implement software-based models to represent this phenomenology in the Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration and Modeling (AFSIM) and assess the effectiveness of employing this technology in the battlefield.
Tactical and Strategic Space Capabilities
Radiance’s Space team provides technical and programmatic support to the USASMDC Technical Center’s Space and Strategic Systems Directorate and the Program Executive Office for Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors, Tactical Space Superiority (TSS). These programs directly support tactical land component forces with space-based communication, ISR, and assured PNT capabilities. Our support to TSS enabled the Product Office to achieve Post-Milestone B for Engineering Manufacturing and Development phase entry, and Acquisition Program Baseline.
Layered Tipping and Queuing Architecture for Space
Radiance supported NASIC in developing requirements for future tipping and queuing architectures for future PIR systems. On our recent collaboration on this effort, employee-owners modeled elements of the system architecture in an AFSIM scenario where GEO satellites tip-queue low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to track targets of interest. This process allows persistent GEO satellites to scan larger areas of the Earth and pass areas of interest to LEO satellites for more sensitive resolution investigation.
Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
Radiance employee-owners have supported building a robust Space Situational Awareness (SSA) capability. Activities to date include developing tools and algorithms for identifying space objects, analyzing predictive signatures, identifying and resolving potential object mislabeling, analyzing and exploiting SSA multi-phenomenology, and identifying and ingesting unique sensor data into the traditional identification process.